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Julian Fisher with family and friends at a reception at the Town Hall of Gars am Kamp, the Expedition leader's home in Austria
Julian Fisher with Mayor Martin Falk at the Town Hall of Gars am Kamp
Julian Fisher with Julius and Raimund Kiennast, members of the oldest business family of Gars am Kamp.
Julian Fisher and the Mayor of Mombasa, His Worship, Ali Shekue, at the official starting point of the Colorado African Expedition near the Sarova Whitesands Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya.
Julian Fisher at the beach of Mombasa
Julian Fisher walking through Arusha, Tanzania with Mt. Meru in the backdrop
Massai women near Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania
Julian holding a home made rifle used for illegal bush meat trade. The
rifle was confiscated from poachers by an antipoaching patrole run by Robin Hurt safaris.
Maasai children in northern Tanzania
The "Mbaash Primary School" of Mbaash village, a Maasai community in northern Tanzania
Michelin shop in Arusha, Tanzania. Michelin & BF Goodyear are sponsors of the Colorado African Expedition 2007

Julian Fisher an 'Mama', a massai woman who is selling massai handmade trinkets, Julian bought the colorful band for his hat from her

Julian with the doorman of the Stanley Hotel Nairobi - great hotel, friendliest doorman!
Julian with Esther of Kuja Safaris Nairobi, the doorman and Ruth of the
Stanley Hotel Nairobi with explorers club flag #89 as the expedition departs west for the ugandan border
Tea plantation in western kenya on the road to Kisumu.
Julian in Kisumu, Kenya on the shore of Victoria Lake. The New Victoria Hotel is where the explorer stayed in 1999 during his 'Talkabout the World' travel series

Julian with staff of the Imperal Hotel in Kisum Kenya with explorers flag #89, before departing for Uganda.

A warm welcome for the Colorado African Expedition 2007 to uganda from the local border

Arriving into Kampala, the capital of Uganda.
Man with bananas on the way to the Kampala market
Crossing the equator in southwestern Uganda

Southwestern Uganda near the town of Kabale, about 100 miles from the Rwandan

Visiting the batwa pygmys in southwestern Uganda near D.R.C border.
Batwa tribe 20,000 rainforest hunters and gatherers now forced to live alongside a logging road due to park rangers and conservationists.
Dr. Nick Oguge and staff of earthwatch in nairobi.
Julian with jonathan wright and staff at Semliki lodge with exploers
club flag # 89 in western Uganda near the DRC congo border



The following photographs are from Paul L. Hoefler's Expedition of 1928-29, taken from 'Africa Speaks - A Story of Adventure' written by Paul L. Hoefler and published by The John C. Winston Company (Copyright The John C. Winston Company).

Paul L. Hoefler